Class 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Edwards


Welcome to Class 2


This half-term our topic is From the Cheshire Plain to the Rift Valley, Kenya.

Kenya.jfif   Kenyan flag.png

This half-term, Class 2 will be finding out about our local environment, the Cheshire Plain and comparing this to the Great Rift Valley, Kenya. We will learn about the animals of Cheshire and Kenya and compare farming in the two locations. Children will learn about the Maasai people of Kenya and how/why farmers in the UK protect the hedgerows.

What can I do to support my child at home?

Watch clips from the David Attenborough series 'The Great Rift Valley: Africa's Wild Heart':

Watch the short video 'Kenya Fun Facts':

Watch 'Go Jetters, Maasai Mara National Park, Kenya':




All children are grouped for Phonics and for Guided Reading. Class 2 children were assessed in December by Mrs Parker (our Phonics Leader), with some children moving reading colour bands as a result of this. 

Our new book to support writing this half-term will be revealed shortly ...

mystery book.jpg


What can I do to support my child at home?

Encourage your child to read to you regularly. Your child's books should be returned every Thursday so that they can be changed and ready to come home again on Friday.

Remind your child to return their signed reading record every day to get a star for reading at home.



This half-term:

Children in Y1 will be learning about addition and subtraction, capacity (measuring liquids) and money.

Children in Y2 will be learning about multiplication and division, capacity (measuring liquids) and money.


What can I do to support my child at home?

Encourage your child to access Sumdog each week.

Watch this BBC Bitesize video together:

Read artcicles from the 'Money Helper' website:

Encourage your child to measure liquids at home using a measuring jug - could you bake together?

Give your child a selection of coins and support them to recognise each of the coins and their values - could you make a little 'shop'?




We will begin learning about 'Materials' this half-term. We will be finding out:

What is the best material for building a boat?

What is the best material to make a ball from?

What is the best material to make a raincoat from?

We will learn about 'waterproofing' materials and try to do this ourselves!

What can I do to support my child at home?

There are lots of different activities on this BBC Bitesize page:

Find out more by reading this article explaining what children will learn about materials on 'The School Run' website:



Please check this page regularly for updates and more information.

Feel free to ask me for help and support - we work best when we work as a team. 


Mrs Edwards




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Alvanley and Manley Village School

Junior Site: Manley Road, Alvanley, Cheshire,

Infant Site: Manley Road, Frodsham, Cheshire,

Tel: 01244 478021

[email protected]