Class 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Molyneux

Welcome to Class 4

Hello! We are Mrs Kent and Mrs Molyneux and we are the Class 4 teachers. Mrs Kent works on a Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays and Mrs Molyneux works on alternate Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday. We are very lucky to have Mrs Macauley and Mrs Henderson as our fabulous teaching assistants to support our children with their learning. On this page we will share with you what we will be learning, exploring and all of the fun we have in Years 5 and 6.

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        Mrs Kent              Mrs Molyneux        Mrs Macauley     Mrs Henderson


During the Autumn term,  we will be focussing our writing based on the book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. 

Helen recalls her childhood during the Nazi occupation of France and the mounting persecution of the Jewish people.

On the eve of her birthday, Helen is excited to celebrate with her best friend Lydia. But when a fearful woman appears at Helen's house, Lydia suddenly wants to go home early, and Helen can't understand why. Does it have to do with the yellow star that both Lydia and this woman are wearing? Why are people in hiding and using strange names? What is Lydia afraid of?

Set during the World War II Nazi occupation of France, this is a powerful story of friendship, fear, and the hope we must always hold dear.

We will be developing our diary entry skills and write a flashback from a character's point of view.

Star of Fear, Star of Hope : Hoestlandt, Jo, Kang, Johanna, Polizzotti,  Publisher and Editor-In-Chief Mark: Books



During Autumn term, there will be a big emphasis on arithmetic.  As year 5 children have recently sat their MTC multiplication check, we are looking forward to working with them on developing some key concepts which require a solid foundation knowledge of times tables.  Initially, the children will be exploring the place value of numbers up to, and beyond, one million and ten million for year 6.  They will be reading, writing, and interpreting the value of increasingly large numbers and this will take a level of resilience as the children grapple with expanded place value charts.  The children will move on when they are secure to develop their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the lead up to Christmas.  As is always the case, regular assessment checks will be made, and interventions will be put in place for any child who is struggling with gaps in their knowledge.



In Science, we will be finishing our topic on materials. Children will be investivigating material properties of classroom objects, predicting and measuring transparency. They explain solubility using a simple particle model, and why solutions cannot be separated by filtration. The children will investigate which materials are soluble in water, the hardness of different materials, and evaporative separation. They will consider fair testing, record their results in tables. Children will discuss suitable methods for separating different mixtures and consider a range of physical changes and explain whether they are reversible. 

Year 5 are living in a Material World!


Wider Curriculum


In History, we will be comparing will be learning about World War 2 and we are looking forward to visiting Western Approaches in Liverpool on Remembrance Day. 

In HRE, we will be learning about families and friendships.

In R.E., we will continue to learn about Islam.


Key dates and reminders for Year 5/6:

08.11.24 - Own clothes day in exchange for chocolate and gifts.

11.11.24 - Western Approaches trip - Liverpool

15.11.24 - Children in Need

21.11.24 - Christmas Fair

12.12.24 - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch





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Alvanley and Manley Village School

Junior Site: Manley Road, Alvanley, Cheshire,

Infant Site: Manley Road, Frodsham, Cheshire,

Tel: 01244 478021

[email protected]