Class 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Owens

Welcome to Class Three


Lou.jpeg          Jacquie Mac (1).jpeg        Gillian.jpeg

Mrs Owens is the teacher in Class Three and we are lucky to have Mrs Jackson and Mrs Macaulay working with us too.

Happy New Year and welcome to the Spring Term!


In English, our work will be based on the book 'Escape From Pompei' by Christina Balit.  This fits in well with our history topic :Romans'.

Escape from Pompei.jpg

Reading - all children will be reading a book with their peers in class.  We will be practising skills such as comprehension, inference, retrieval and developing vocabulary.

What can I do to support my child at home?

Reading - Read, read, read!  Try to read with your child every day.  In order to develop a love of reading, it is important that you read to your child as well as listening to them read.  

Spelling - children will be working on spelling patterns at school.  The common exception words for Year 1 and 2 and Years 3 and 4 are saved in the files section on this page.  PLease practise these at home.




Our main focus this term will be times tables.

 What can I do to support my child at home?

Years Three and Four are the years when children need to become fluent on all times table facts to 12 x 12. 


In Year Three, children need to know multiplication facts for the  2, 5,10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables by heart.

In Year Four, children need to know these, plus facts for the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables 


To practise the Year 4 times table test go to

You can programme individual tables to be tested on or a random mix.

Oxford Owl have a great guide to learning times tables with hints, tips and games.


Hit the button is another fun games to help learn tables. 

Other great maths websites:





In science, we will be learning about Light.  We will be looking at sources of light, how to stay safe in the sun and investigating shadows.  



Wider Curriculum


In history lessons we will be finding out about the Romans.  We will have an exciting session from Hi Impact using VR to learn more about life in Roman Britain.


We will do PE twice a week, with gymnastics on a Wednesday with Mr Cliffe, our PE coach. Our other session will be dance on a Monday.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PE KIT IS IN SCHOOL EVERY DAY.  Earrings should not be worn on PE days.



In RE sessions, we will be learning about the Baha'i faith.










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Alvanley and Manley Village School

Junior Site: Manley Road, Alvanley, Cheshire,

Infant Site: Manley Road, Frodsham, Cheshire,

Tel: 01244 478021